
Do you need an Angler Website?

Posted by: psu at 2:29 pm on July 15th, 2019


Why do I need an Angler Website?

At the recent 2019 iCast in Orlando, FL, a few tournament anglers asked if an Angler Website is important for a successful fishing career. Depends, how serious are you? Or better yet, do you want others to know you’re serious? After all, becoming a successful tournament angler is just like starting any other business. And if you wanted to find out more about a company and couldn’t find a website for their business, you might question if they are actually a business. That’s what potential sponsors are thinking if your digital presence is just a mix of scattered social network postings. Even if you are a dedicated social networker, it’s still a shared platform that only holds your audience for a short time before they are clicking off to someone else.

Top 5 Reasons why an Angler Website is for you

1. One Click is all you

When a potential sponsor wants to know more about you, their first stop (or search) is for your angler website. If that doesn’t come up in a google search, they are left to pick from a few random listings that contain your name. Some fishing related. Some, well, not fishing related. Is that how you want to make your first impression? With an Angler Website, one click showcases everything you that’s easy to find. From your bio and fishing resume to your tournament schedule and complete social network, it’s all their in one location.

2. Social Network can only do so much

It’s no surprise most people are clicking through their social apps as soon as they pick up their phone. You can send someone a link for your latest post but that only leads to other clicks that leave you in the history. Great for your sponsors’ numbers, but does little for you.  

3. Tournament success isn’t everything

Sure, leading your trail AOY or holding up the big check on stage is an attention getter but sponsors want to know one thing — what can you do for me? So a good tournament record is a start but showing a sponsor what you can do off the water is how you go from 10% product deals and a logo for your jersey to signature deals to get you out on tour. From product showcases and videos to sales boosting links, your angler website gives you a platform to showcase your current sponsors and shows potential sponsors what you can do for them.

4. You’re no computer genius

Very few people are. Especially people that would rather be on the water instead of learning how to code a website. So if you can post a facebook update or send an email, that’s all the genius you need to edit your angler website.

5. Costs less than a couple crankbaits

As a tournament angler, you know it’s tough to walk out of Bass Pro Shop without spending a hundred bucks. And we don’t even think about it because catching fish is more important than money (smile). But how much are you willing to invest in your career? How about .75¢ a day? Yes, we’re serious.

Get started right now here for free.

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